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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » Beware environmental charges ... « Previous Next »

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Roderick Waite
Frequent User
Username: rodwaite

Post Number: 248
Registered: 01-2012
Posted on Thursday, 13 February, 2020 - 20:25:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello everyone - I sold Echo -my 1984 Spirit - 3 months ago because of failing eyesight, and the new owner has advised me that when he went to register her in his name he was presnted with a ill for €9,350 "environmental charges". We live in France, but I suspect that new owners anywhere will be finding something of the sort! Luckily her has been able to register her with the FFVE - an ooficially recognised body for classic vehicles - that enable this charge to be reduced to a "nominal" figure. Worth chacking out if you're in the market ...
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michael vass
Frequent User
Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 628
Registered: 07-2015
Posted on Thursday, 13 February, 2020 - 23:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Rod didn't know you had sold echo, was a lovley motor,
Obviously not echo friendly lol hope you're all OK

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