For Sale 1930 Park Ward Salon body Log Out | Topics | Search
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Australian RR Forums » For Sale & Wanted (No traders, please) » For Sale 1930 Park Ward Salon body « Previous Next »

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John Ullrich
Yet to post message
Username: ullrich

Post Number: 1
Registered: 06-2019
Posted on Friday, 14 June, 2019 - 01:53:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Solid wood, all interior wood present, vanity cabinets and door panels. new chrome on door,window handles, wiper bits and windshield, Body stripped of paint, no dents. wings and hood not included. Unfortunately I am in the USA Chicago area, however they send a container over the big pond regularly. May part it out, but for now want to see if anyone needs it as a whole. All offers considered.

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