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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Valve Stem Seals - American or other commonly available alternatives « Previous Next »

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Brian Vogel
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Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2509
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Sunday, 19 November, 2017 - 02:07:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

In Tee-One Topics, Issue 88, Bill Coburn wrote an article about replacing the valve stem seals on a Shadow and makes passing reference to the ones he used with, "On this occasion an American seal consisting of a light metal cap with a captive flexible seal in the aperture was used."

I know that I have seen reference to the use of valve stem seals, both with and without the metal cap, that were for American cars, it seems that Chrysler rings a bell, being used, but I cannot seem to find the post or posts where the specific make/model is mentioned. These are consistent with the service bulletin issued by Crewe in the 1980s, mentioned by Richard Treacy in this thread.

I am not doing this job myself (at least not now) but would like to add the information to my resources file with regard to which valve stem seals that one can source from a local auto parts emporium will serve the intended function.

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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 2729
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Posted on Sunday, 19 November, 2017 - 06:27:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


I will contact Bill on your behalf if he does not respond himself to obtain this information.
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Janne Aittola
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Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 06:40:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Question about Bill's article.

If I understood right the 3 old style parts (A) can be replaced with a new style seal (B), but should the outer diameter of the new style seal be same as the old small "top hat" to align the larger valve spring?

And doesn't the lack of the smaller spring affect to total valve spring pressure required?

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Robert J. Sprauer
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Post Number: 176
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Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 06:55:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The small inner spring was(is) used to keep the old cotton seal compressed downward. The new seals are called positive seals (with the garter spring) are carefully pushed down over the valve guide boss. So you only need the large spring and cup. Note use a magnet when removing the old collets, they are held in place with adhesive sealant. When re-installing the collets you do not have to seal them because a little oil wicking down the valve stem is ok. Be very careful when pressing the new seals onto the boss...use a pipe that is the exact diameter of the seal and press evenly.
How do you plan to keep the valve up when doing this? I used compressed air in the sparkplug hole and at TDC
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Robert J. Sprauer
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Username: wraithman

Post Number: 177
Registered: 11-2017
Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 07:17:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Remove all the spark plugs so you can turn the crankshaft damper pulley by hand and follow the firing order.
Best to slide the new seal over a straw that has been placed on the valve stem to prevent any cuts when sliding into position.
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Robert J. Sprauer
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Username: wraithman

Post Number: 178
Registered: 11-2017
Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 07:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I used "EngineTech S2980" positive valve stem seals. I think I paid less than $40 for 20 pcs. Packed 10/package.
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Patrick Lockyer.
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Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 08:49:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

If using compressed air on TDC [with the use of a cylinder leakage tester] one must lock the crankshaft to stop it turning!
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Robert J. Sprauer
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Username: wraithman

Post Number: 179
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Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 09:08:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Never had a problem with the crankshaft turning using 70-80 lbs. Never..
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Brian Vogel
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Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2793
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Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 10:16:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Thanks for that specific make and model number information. This topic "fell through the cracks" back in 2017 and I never did collect any data.

Now the follow up question would be even though we're talking SY series cars here, would same work back as far as the Cloud III through the SZ series? I'd think so, but cannot be absolutely sure of that.
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Robert J. Sprauer
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Username: wraithman

Post Number: 180
Registered: 11-2017
Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 10:58:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

It will work on SZ also. Seals are sourced by size. RR stems are 3/8 for intake and exhaust. The valve guide is also a certain dimension( diameter) which is needed and that's it, 2 dimensions. I have to look up Cloud valve data to be sure.
BTW no blue smoke and less oil consumption. Plugs are cleaner too
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Brian Vogel
Grand Master
Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2794
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Monday, 18 March, 2019 - 13:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Thanks. I look forward to hearing your additional findings regarding the Cloud/S era cars.

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Janne Aittola
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Username: jannea

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Posted on Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 - 06:34:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thank you Robert and Patrick, your advice helped me a lot!


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