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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Shadow I Seat Motor Internal Cutout switch « Previous Next »

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Jeff McCarthy
Frequent User
Username: jefmac2003

Post Number: 637
Registered: 05-2007
Posted on Friday, 13 December, 2019 - 13:40:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Inside the Seat Motors on the Shadow I there are several things that can go wrong - apart from a burnt out motor.

I fixed one a couple of years ago just by resoldering the winding where it connects to where the wiring joins the top of the motor; the old solder gets powdery and non conductive.

I did it to the other motor today after it kept cutting out.

It was still intermittent. I played around with this internal cutout/reset switch and got it to work. I gather this sprung cutout with double points is to prevent overheating. Presumably also it resets itself (or is supposed to) when things cool down.

Mine wasn't.

I used 1000 grit to gently sand the points and got it working. I have no idea if it'll reset itself when needed.

Obviously either the motor is overheating regularly or this bit isn't working. I know I'm better off getting a rebuilt/rewound motor from FS or Introcar eventually but after the engine replacement and front subframe rebuild things are a bit tight moneywise at the moment.

I've cut a hole in the rubber so at least I can reset it if I need to move the seat to drive the car.

Does anyone know if these things can be replaced? Where would you go to buy one?

I just looked up the price of a new one of these and fell off my chair. Obviously it'd be cheaper to take it to the workshop down the road and get it all rewound and rebuilt if necessary.

AU$1000 plus horrendous postage for an electric motor - as beautiful as it is, is just a bit much.

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Paul Yorke
Grand Master
Username: paul_yorke

Post Number: 2150
Registered: 06-2006
Posted on Sunday, 22 December, 2019 - 07:56:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi, if you can get a mechanism out of a round window motor car cheaply, then it is imho a better way forward.

Much cheaper and more reliable.

It's not too difficult to change them over. Relays needed for the switches.

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