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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » Threads to 2015 » Stiff door. « Previous Next »

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Lawrence Heasman
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Username: lheasman

Post Number: 70
Registered: 5-2008
Posted on Monday, 27 May, 2013 - 10:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The latch on my drivers door is not disengaging properly. I have had the inside panels off and lubricated everything I could see but still it still sticks. When open the lock moves as per the other doors when I push the button, but unlike the other doors when shut it takes a few pumps on the button and an upward lift on the handle to get the thing open. This has been the case since it returned from the panels beaters after a respray following a run in with a Roo. I dont want to take it back to them to 'fix' as the car came back with more damage than what it went in with, so was hoping I could fix it myself. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Paul Yorke
Grand Master
Username: paul_yorke

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Registered: 6-2006
Posted on Monday, 27 May, 2013 - 14:33:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

take the handle off and make sure it's free.

if free adjust the push so it's slightly shorter.
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Experienced User
Username: jonas_trachsel

Post Number: 34
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Monday, 27 May, 2013 - 16:26:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP upward lift on the handle.... ....when open the lock moves as per the other doors....
Could it be that the lock binds because the door has sagged and needs to be properly adjusted? Just an idea.