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Jeffrey McCarthy
Prolific User
Username: jefmac2003

Post Number: 292
Registered: 5-2007
Posted on Saturday, 03 March, 2012 - 10:58:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I am about to invest in a tap and die set. Am I correct in assuming that most of the threads on our cars are British Standard Fine (BSF)?

For that matter does anyone know if there is a list anywhere of the most common Bolts/Nuts/Screws used on the cars - I'd like to lay in a supply.

So far I've gotten by using the spares that inevitably come attached to various bits I buy on the internet.
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 1076
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Saturday, 03 March, 2012 - 15:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The main threads are UNF and UNC with the odd Whitworth thrown in just to make life interesting.

There are enough BA threads in most R-R/B vehicles to justify purchasing a set of 0-10BA taps and dies from a model engineering supplier - try and get hold of a copy of "Australian Model Engineering" from a newsagent as this has advertisements from a large number of suppliers however, given your location, I doubt your local newsagency will carry it.

Otherwise, please message me through this forum and I will send you a list of suppliers and their contact details.

You can find a list of the common fasteners used on Shadow 1 vehicles in the following link:
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Dave Puttock
Experienced User
Username: ariel

Post Number: 24
Registered: 5-2010
Posted on Tuesday, 06 March, 2012 - 23:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

There are lots of 2BA screws particularly inside the doors and on the ventilation system, although curiously they do not seem to use the normal 2BA hex heads, being a little bigger.
I found when I stripped my doors I had to drill out a number of screws and its almost impossible to be dead central, so it may be useful to note that you can re-tap M5 which has the same thread pitch but is about 6% bigger in diameter. Cleaning up nicely and M5 screws still fit through the clearence holes for 2BA. I think the actuator rods for the air flaps are 5BA. Blower resistor screws are 3BA. Pretty much everything bigger than 2BA which screws into the body is UNF. UNC is usually used for castings and soft metals.
While talking about UNC it may be usefull to note that at a pinch you can clean up a UNC thread with a Whitworth tap and vice versa EXCEPT for 1/2" all the others use same diameter and pitch the only difference being the thread angle. The tolerance on coarse pitches always allows them to mix and match. Note I am only talking about cleaning up the threads, not cutting them. If it needs torquing always use the right thread.
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Peter Talbot
Prolific User
Username: squerryes

Post Number: 105
Registered: 7-2010
Posted on Wednesday, 07 March, 2012 - 20:18:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thread Screw Gauges are invaluable in determining thread type & size. Suggest you contact your local Model Engineering Club who will probably have a set you can borrow.

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