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Bill Coburn
Grand Master
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 118
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Monday, 22 March, 2004 - 06:25:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I hate rallies but given the centenary and the influx of international cars, I weakened and finally registered for the Melbourne bit. Our Spur the 'Blue Beast'had been running very well but given that I know a little about these cars the paranoia about breaking down was gnawing at the vitals. We took a trip to Orbost from Canberra which clocked up some 800 miles without incident so a reasonable trial of a virtually unknown car had been completed. One casualty of the sortie however was the airconditioning compressor. The car as is common with models of this age (1984) was still running on the old gas, the stuff that is intent on destroying the ozone layer. The conversion to the new gas which is not quite as efficient as the old stuff was without incident until having enjoyed icicles depending from the facia outlets, suddenly it was all ambient air. Back to the air conditioning people and the compressor was found to be leaking like the proverbial sieve. It could be repaired but for little more a new unit could be fitted. This was perfect and has frozen our assetts ever since! Incidentally the Factory price on a replacement compressor was some $1500 the exact same compressor even to the labels from a local supplier was a bit over $400!
Needless to say we had a perfect run to Melbourne in company with other cars that popped in and out of our convoy and eventually we hove into the garage at the Casino Promenade to be buried by scads of RR's and B's of all shapes and sizes. No doubt the Rally itself will be covered by lots of other reports but in my opinion it was a complete success. It was very expensive but I can recover the costs by giving dollar rides at the local supermarket for the next few years. My mileage for interest appears to be about 14.5 mpg on these trips which does not look good against Chris' figure but on the other hand he doesn't have to run a new aircon compressor!
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 228
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Monday, 22 March, 2004 - 11:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Come on everyone who attended the Federal Rally - lets hear your thoughts and experiences so those of us who could not be there can be part of it.
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Bill Coburn
Grand Master
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 119
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Thursday, 25 March, 2004 - 08:27:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Well David before the server is jammed with contributions let me add a few more memories. My mate Peter is an excellent navigator and when I advised him we were staying at the Casino Promenade it unleashed all sorts of recollections, location included. Melbourne terrifies me in traffic, we always seem to be in the wrong lane, but persevere we did and swung in very smugly in the Blue Beast only to be completely overshadowed by magnificent auto-relatives. Peter and I have stayed at the Casino often and it is very nice to leap out of the Lexus press some funds into a young man's hand and forget the car as it disappears into the bowels of the establishment. But the Beast? And why not I thought recollecting seeing a gentlemen pull up with an almost brand new Arnage, alight, extract a gorgeously cloaked lady, toss 'the man' some money and sweep inside. So for the first time I gave the man my valet key which I had puchased in blank form at great expense. On a Spur this will only unlock the ignition and front doors which meant the Gladstone bags of used currency notes for later gambling sprees together with the kid leather sachets of diamonds if the going got really tough, could be locked in the boot (trunk) and the glove box. But I had to remember to actually lock both before handing over the vehicle. This got complicated as I found I had left something in the boot which I needed and tried to use the valet key to get in then tried the glove box release which was locked etc etc. By the time I got all that sorted out, the Commissionaire was enquiring whether he could charge onlookers a small fee to defray costs!! Nobody can punce around like I can!!! Entree was very efficient, the room very nice (the place was barely 4 months old) and no baggage was lost. Fortunately we had access to the underground garage and there was the RR cornucopia of cornucopias! All but the Ghosts I noticed still sporting their Ladies - a measure of the trust we had in the management and the unobtrusive by quite visible security presence. The owners of some of the older cars were frantically trying to find newspapers to hide their vehicle's incontinance which in a few cases was quite spectacular. I resisted the temptation to suggest shovelling the muck back into the sump. So back up stairs and onto the bed for a much needed nap for the next round.
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 230
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Thursday, 25 March, 2004 - 09:31:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Bill - re your valet key "performance" - I cannot understand why a gentleman such as yourself escaped the attentions of the local constabulary as a probable car thief with lofty aspirations!!!!

I am looking forward to your continuation of your experience.

P.S. Hope Peter is beginning to appreciate the scope and benefits of R-R ownership.

P.P.S. For the information of everyone; Bill acted in the best tradition of our Club during the recent visit of the Centennial Rally cars to Canberra. One of the UK participant's cars developed a major hydraulic fluid leak at Bowral and some on-the-spot repairs by NSW Club members allowed the car to reach Canberra safely. The next day, Bill spent over 6 hours dismantling the hydraulic/power steering systems to replace a small hose from one accumulator that had worn through from rubbing against an adjacent power steering hose. This meant he was unable to participate in the Rally activities organised in Canberra but allowed our visitors to remain in the Rally and not have to freight their car to Melbourne for repairs. Bill you are a legend and the next issue of our "L & D" magazine will contain appropriate recognition of your efforts.

Phil Sproston and Bob Logan installing temporary restraint on Air Conditioning compressor clutch drive plate folllowing failure of rubber lining.

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Bill Coburn
Grand Master
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 120
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Friday, 26 March, 2004 - 13:24:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Well David I can't say it was a pleasure but I had the comfort of knowing that the car would complete the Rally. It was an interesting vehicle with as you will notice in your picture, a Solex four barrel carburetter, not seen on Australian cars. It all looked a bit American with that huge air cleaner. But by the time I had cut burnt and sweated my way through that job, aesthetics were not uppermost in my mind.

I should finish my account. Saturday was the usual sight seeing and do your own thing which we did and again the Beast went superbly. We went to Ballarat and enjoyed the most interesting gold mining display. The cars we travelled with did their best to lose us but the maps provided by the Rally organisers were more than adequate.

I managed to wash the car with a bucket that night - a little like bathing in a tea cup. There were no apparent drains in the garage and ominous puddles started forming at odd places thanks to my efforts. Amazingly I would have had to drive some 20K to get to a Mr Carl Overs establishment as all washes closed at 5.00PM on the weekend! Sunday morning and on with the obligatory labels and off to Flemmington Race Course the biggest apparently of its kind. Marshalls everywhere but we still got misdirected and at one stage were contemplating doing a standing quarter around the main track. There were more cars there than I have ever seen here or overseas the guesstimates ranged from 280 to 470 so take your pick. The new Phantom was there which largely stole the show and there were reportedly two GT Bentleys lurking somewhere but they disappeared. The concours cars were as usual superb, the judges unobtrusive the crowd well behaved, the 'boxed' lunch very nice and the weather perfect. About four o'clock most cars were on their way and we headed home for yet another nap before braving the evening presentation dinner.

The dinner was held in the function room at the main Casino complete with double TV screen relays and top quality sound amplification. A black tie affair, the meal justified getting tarted up, the decor was excellent, round tables of eight were waited on very efficiently the food was hot and there was no shortage of grog. The speeches were short and to the point 'Oscar style' thankyou's from the awardees were nipped in the bud and all in all a very pleasant evening. Monday morning saw everyone pack up after breakfast and head home. A fitting centenary celebration!
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Jeanne Eve
Username: jeve

Post Number: 53
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Friday, 26 March, 2004 - 14:34:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Well said Bill and I wholeheartedly support all of the above! The rally was a very smooth production and really set a benchmark in understated elegance. Heard that there were around 312 cars ranging from three 1909 Silver Ghosts to the latest. Another successful activity was the excitement at the Members Trading Room, actually the Loading Dock of the hotel,on Saturday morning with the unexpected finding of tools or engine pieces. I particularly liked the red Praeclarum bag which held the rally goodies - thermos flask and stainless steel mugs with discreet Flying Lady engraving.To summarize, the RROC-A can hold its head up high with the 2004 Praeclarum Rally (thanks to Eric H, and his team in the Victorian Branch) and I know that many of our overseas visitors were impressed.I often wonder how the RROC-A is perceived on the international domain.
Cheers, Jeanne.
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Jeanne Eve
Username: jeve

Post Number: 54
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Wednesday, 07 April, 2004 - 10:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Bill, These two magnificent beasts weren't on the Centennial World Tour but I believe they belong to two couples who were travelling independently in Oz on their way to the Praeclarum Rally in Melbourne. I will make some enquiries and let you know privately. If I am correct, there may be concern about having the number plates of these cars, on view on this website due to privacy reasons. I will let my webmaster advise on this vexed issue of privacy.
Cheers, Jeanne.
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William H. Trovinger II
Prolific User
Username: bill_trovinger

Post Number: 93
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Thursday, 08 April, 2004 - 01:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

This post is two photos my friend took. Had to reduce to upload if owners want better file copies please let me know and can email.


(Message edited by admin on April 08, 2004)

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