Rat Trap hoses for Bentley SBH 17291 Log Out | Topics | Search
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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Threads to 2015 » Rat Trap hoses for Bentley SBH 17291 « Previous Next »

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Barry Brears
Experienced User
Username: turney_2009

Post Number: 19
Registered: 8-2009
Posted on Tuesday, 05 January, 2010 - 15:42:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi All,I'm ordering some parts from my friends in the UK and they refer to Rat Trap flexi hoses part of the braking system.Can someone tell me what is the Rat Trap is it the Master cylinder/Distribution valve that sits under neath the car on the drivers side (RHD model).
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Paul Yorke
Grand Master
Username: paul_yorke

Post Number: 513
Registered: 6-2006
Posted on Tuesday, 05 January, 2010 - 19:47:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

It Is.

A legacy name :-)

I could never decide where the name came from, whether it was because of the size and shape of the box, the look of gubbings inside, or the fact that when you dropped ANYTHING in the engine bay near the handbrake pulleys - it would scurry down the hole there and end up trapped down the bottom. (which then entailed undoing 20 plus screws to retrieve it - The rat trap is still a source of tools, spark plugs, nuts and bolts (&rattles) etc. when you take them off! lol)

Never did think to ask my old man that one!
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Barry Brears
Experienced User
Username: turney_2009

Post Number: 20
Registered: 8-2009
Posted on Tuesday, 05 January, 2010 - 20:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Paul,Thanks mate for the info I thought I was right the english language and its euphanisms are quite ridiculus (gee my spelling needs some attention used to be top of the class 60 years ago).Happy New Year