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Jim Martin
Yet to post message Username: londonlhdcentre
Post Number: 1 Registered: 1-2014
| Posted on Friday, 24 January, 2014 - 04:48: |    |
Hi all, i have a new arrival, a 1976 Corniche, i drove it a few days ago a 100 meters to the end of the road and when i wanted to stop and go into reverse to manoever, the car would not come out of D so i turned it off. It would not start again and there seemed to be no activity from the gearbox when moving the shifter, the electric windows stopped at the same time. I have checked the plug connector to the actuator and have power to the T pin but no power to anything else,i also have no power on the fuseboard to the gearbox reset relay, any ideas? Many thanks! |
Jan Forrest
Grand Master Username: got_one
Post Number: 535 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Friday, 31 January, 2014 - 23:02: |    |
Sorry to hear about your problem with the Corniche (same year as my Shadow). I can only suggest that you work your way through the electrical system from the battery forward. The first port of call is in the boot. Is there a large (usually red) plastic removable key in the main positive line from the battery? My Shadow has one as a 'sudden death kill switch' to turn off all the electrics in case of an electrical fire or shunt from another vehicle. If you do find one of these it's a good practice to route another line around it with a 5 amp fuse. That way you can disable most of the electrics while still keeping the alarm (if fitted) working and the radio preset memories from being lost. However if someone tries to start the car the fuse will blow and the car will be disabled and undriveable - assuming you remembered to put the key in your pocket! |
Paul Yorke
Grand Master Username: paul_yorke
Post Number: 1160 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Saturday, 01 February, 2014 - 06:29: |    |
Jim, check ignition fuses etc. And that the connections between fuse and holders are all good. Take a temporary feed from the interior light fuse to the gear shift and see if the actuator will work then. Check the finger contact in the steering column cowling. Re: fusing across the battery cut off switch. The reason 90% of the Shadow II's had them fitted was to prevent the battery going flat when parked for more than a week or so. Putting a fuse across it if you are using it purely as a security measure is fine, but will stop it preventing a flat battery. |